
EduHass, our learning school

Published on May 8, 2024

EduHass, our learning school, arises from the need to manage knowledge as a natural process for the Corporation, a systematic and sustainable exercise, an essential pillar of our strategy, which responds directly to the needs of our sector.


In this way, we define as our purpose:

  • To develop and enhance the capabilities, skills and abilities of our Affiliates, to generate and transfer knowledge that facilitates the fulfillment of their objectives.


Our objectives at EduHass are:

  1. Determine the approaches and learning cycles of our sector.
  2. Manage the knowledge of our sector, multiply it and share it with our Affiliates.
  3. To build and develop face-to-face, virtual and interactive learning spaces, according to the needs of our sector.
  4. Strengthen and consolidate the knowledge of our Affiliates to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of our sector.

Table of contents

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